A Message from the Interim Director & CEO - AGNS | Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
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A Message from the Interim Director & CEO

Recently our own Sarah Moore Fillmore has been appointed as interim Director and CEO. Sarah has worked in our curatorial department for 16 years and has led the team since 2009.

From Sarah:

In this is a time of transition, the Gallery is on solid footing. We are so proud of all we have accomplished in the past number of years, and we look forward to even more excitement in the future.

In the coming weeks and months, we will be opening five new exhibitions, including Alicia Henry: Witnessing on March 12th. We are looking forward to welcoming families and art campers during March break in a few weeks and opening our doors seven days a week to welcome our summer visitors.

We also have an exceptional vision for the future of the AGNS, with plans and a design for a paradigm-shifting new home on Halifax’s waterfront. We are building on a history that is deep and looking forward to our shared future with confidence.

We have always been thankful for your involvement and commitment to the Gallery.

We hope to see you in the Gallery soon.

-Sarah Moore Fillmore

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